| Certified
"A" International Karate Instructor with WJKA |
 | Certified
"A" International Karate Judge with WJKA |
 | Certified International "A" Examiner with WJKA |
 | 8th DAN World JKA Karate Association |
 | National Coaching Certification Program
Level 2 Certified Canadian Karate Coach |
 | Certified
Chief Karate Instructor with Karate BC |
 | Technical
Committee Member for Karate BC |
 | Numerous
Sportsaid certifications |
 | 10
years as Provincial Advisor for Karate for the B.C. Winter Games |
 | 49
years experience as a karate instructor |
 | 2008 Karate BC (Grassroots) Coach of the Year |
 | 8th DAN All Shotokan Karate Association (ASKA) |
 | 8th DAN Canada JKA (CJKA) |
 | 6th DAN International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) |
 | 5th DAN Japan Karate Association (JKA) |
 | Additional experience: Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and Aikido |